Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sian. So much homework.

Sian ah. I feel like giving up liao siol. I really lazy chiong lo.
Everyday band band band.
Where got time to do homework.
Should I just slack for all th test now?
Maybe I should. I dont want to give a damn anymore, this is so tiring man.
I shall have some time to think it through. Hahaha.
I can totally admit that my tim management is lousy la? happy?
I tiring man.
Whole day after band, DINNER.
Whol day dinner dinner dinner. Walao. You not bored I also bored liao la.
Everytime dinner you talk util so late thn dont even care aout my homework got time do not.
Walao. Aiya what ever la. I'm to tired to care. I want to sleep now.
This blog is rotting badly.

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